17 de octubre de 2007

Martha Smythe

I, Martha Smythe, grew up in Charleston, S.C. with my parents, twin sister, older sister and younger brother. Nature was my family's great love, and we enjoyed the Carolina low-country immensely. To this day, I adore nothing better than just being in nature. Caring for others in many different capacities, is a way that I connect with the nature of the individual, the beauty that is inherent in all of us. I appreciate our shared human nature, our pains and struggles, and the joy that we can all experience through little things, like sharing a good laugh or accomplishing a task together, or helping someone to feel better.

I enjoyed my younger years by working and traveling throughout the world, such as participating in whale research in Quebec (MICS) and Sri Lanka (World Wildlife Fund project), trekking in the Himalayas, teaching English in Japan, retreating in a Thai monastery, working in a rainforest project in Puerto Rico, being 3rd mate on a Chinese junk, traveling 2 years through Asia, also South America.

I graduated from the University of Michigan in biology, and got my masters in nursing from Pace University, NY. I worked as a nurse in N. Y.C., Charleston, S.C., and Seattle, Washington. I lived 7 years in Costa Rica in the jungle of Peninsula de Osa with my husband and 2 children. My husband is from Spain, and we moved there and lived 13 years in a small Andalucian village and in the countryside. I was always involved in care work in one capacity or another, offering sessions and counseling. I'm certified in massage, EMF Balancing Technique, Kathara Healing, and Interchange Counseling, and have been trained to use the Tennant Bio-modulator. I also offer myself on an hourly, and sometimes daily basis as a "Surrogate Daughter". Please see the postings for more detail in each of these areas.

15 de octubre de 2007


EMF (electromagnetic field) BALANCING TECHNIQUE® is a simple procedure which balances and strengthens the part of the human electromagnetic field known as the Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL), allowing the individual’s energy to open as many circuits as possible to the vast energy of the universe. There are now 8 sessions or phases, each lasting approximately one hour with the client (fully dressed) on the massage table as the practitioner traces precise patterns through the UCL, ranging from light touch to 60 cm off the body. Each session is distinct, and in each, one or two templates of light, or 3-dimensional octahedron-shaped patterns of light and energy, are activated. Phase I balances head and heart; Phase II releases the energetic charge around past events, and promotes self-direction and self-support; Phase III strengthens the core energy where our essence and state of presence (in the present) reside; and Phase IV releases worry about the future and helps manifest hidden gifts and talents. Phases V – VIII focus on the Practice of Mastery in everyday life.



I have a treatment room in my home in Alameda, and I also travel to my clients' homes, if that is more convenient for them.
I also offer counseling sessions over the phone.